Houston 2021
Sep. 17-19, 2021
NRG Center | 1 NRG Park | Houston, TX 77054
Broadcast live on

Event Info
NRG Center. 1 NRG Park. Houston, TX. 77054
Food & Beverage
The event offers a variety of favorites and local cuisine. Food and beverage stands are located throughout the auction site.
Golf Cart & Scooter Rental
A1 Golf Carts: 480-895-2000
Reserve onlineEvent Scooters: 262-677-2697
Reserve onlinePlease note that golf carts are not allowed indoors or in any of the
auction vehicle tents.
More Info Coming Soon!
Event Schedule
Sep 15
Bidder Preview Day
08:00 AM to 03:00 PMCredentialed Guests Only
Opening Night Party
07:00 PM to 10:00 PMBy invitation only
Sep 16
BARRETT-JACKSON LIVE: The 2021 Houston Auction
01:00 PM to 06:00 PMDiscovery Velocity Canada
BARRETT-JACKSON LIVE: The 2021 Houston Auction
01:00 PM to 06:00 PMFYI
Gates and Sponsor Displays Open
08:00 AM to Auction Close
Exhibitor Marketplace Presented by eBay Motors
08:00 AM to Auction Close
Ford/Chevrolet Hot Laps, Toyota/Dodge Thrill Rides
09:00 AM to 05:00 PMGo on a breathtaking ride with a professional driver in the latest vehicles!
Barrett-Jackson Livestream Presented by Toyota
10:30 AM to Auction CloseLivestream coverage of Automobilia Auction and All the Cars, All the Time during the Collector Car Auction.
Automobilia Auction
10:30 AM to 01:00 PM
Product Showcase Presented by eBay Motors
11:00 AM to 11:30 AMFind out about the latest news from Wayne Carini in this special interview segment.
Product Showcase Presented by eBay Motors
11:45 AM to 12:15 PMFind out about the latest news from Truck Hero in this special interview segment.
Product Showcase Presented by eBay Motors
12:30 PM to 01:00 PMFind out about the latest news and creations from Machine Age Lamps in this special interview segment.
Collector Car Auction
01:00 PM to Auction Close
Product Showcase Presented by eBay Motors
01:15 PM to 01:45 PMFind out about the latest news from Scott's Hotrods 'N Customs in this special interview segment.
Fantasy Bid Presented by Dodge and eBay Motors
02:00 PM to 04:00 PMTest your collector car knowledge and win prizes!
Sep 17
BARRETT-JACKSON LIVE: The 2021 Houston Auction
12:00 PM to 07:00 PMFYI
BARRETT-JACKSON LIVE: The 2021 Houston Auction
12:00 PM to 07:00 PMDiscovery Velocity Canada
Gates and Sponsor Displays Open
08:00 AM to Auction Close
Exhibitor Marketplace Presented by eBay Motors
08:00 AM to Auction Close
Barrett-Jackson Live Stream Presented by Toyota
09:00 AM to Auction CloseLivestream coverage of Automobilia Auction and All the Cars, All the Time during the Collector Car Auction.
Ford/Chevrolet Hot Laps, Toyota/Dodge Thrill Rides
09:00 AM to 05:00 PMGo on a breathtaking ride with a professional driver in the latest vehicles!
Automobilia Auction
09:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Collector Car Auction
11:00 AM to Auction Close
Product Showcase Presented by eBay Motors
11:45 AM to 12:15 PMFind out about the latest news from SoundArt in this special interview segment.
Product Showcase Presented by eBay Motors
12:30 PM to 01:00 PMFind out about the latest news and creations from Wyld at Heart in this special interview segment.
Product Showcase Presented by eBay Motors
01:15 PM to 01:45 PMFind out about the latest news from Barrett-Jackson Endorsed Insurance in this special interview segment.
Fantasy Bid Presented by Dodge and eBay Motors
02:00 PM to 04:00 PMTest your collector car knowledge and win prizes!
Product Showcase Presented by eBay Motors
02:00 PM to 02:30 PMFind out about the latest news from SGR Energy in this special interview segment.
Product Showcase Presented by eBay Motors
02:45 PM to 03:45 PMFind out about the latest news from Adam's Polishes in this special interview segment.
Sep 18

BARRETT-JACKSON LIVE: The 2021 Houston Auction
02:00 PM to 07:00 PMHISTORY
BARRETT-JACKSON LIVE: The 2021 Houston Auction
12:00 PM to 02:00 PMFYI
BARRETT-JACKSON LIVE: The 2021 Houston Auction
12:00 PM to 07:00 PMDiscovery Velocity Canada
Gates and Sponsor Displays Open
08:00 AM to Auction Close
Exhibitor Marketplace Presented by eBay Motors
08:00 AM to Auction Close
Barrett-Jackson Livestream Presented by Toyota
09:00 AM to Auction CloseLivestream coverage of Automobilia Auction and All the Cars, All the Time during the Collector Car Auction.
Ford/Chevrolet Hot Laps, Toyota/Dodge Thrill Rides
09:00 AM to 05:00 PMGo on a breathtaking ride with a professional driver in the latest vehicles!
Automobilia Auction
09:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Collector Car Auction
11:00 AM to Auction Close
Product Showcase Presented by eBay Motors
11:00 AM to 11:30 AMFind out about the latest news from Barrett-Jackson Endorsed Insurance in this special interview segment.
Product Showcase Presented by eBay Motors
11:45 AM to 12:15 PMFind out about the latest news from 1st National Bullion in this special interview segment.
Product Showcase Presented by eBay Motors
12:30 PM to 01:00 PMFind out about the latest news and creations from Treasure Investments in this special interview segment.
Product Showcase Presented by eBay Motors
01:15 PM to 01:45 PMFind out about the latest news from Scott's Hotrods 'N Customs in this special interview segment.
Fantasy Bid Presented by Dodge and eBay Motors
02:00 PM to 04:00 PMTest your collector car knowledge and win prizes!
Product Showcase Presented by eBay Motors
02:00 PM to 02:30 PMFind out about the latest news from Houston Audio in this special interview segment.
Product Showcase Presented by eBay Motors
02:45 PM to 03:45 PMFind out about the latest news from Adam's Polishes in this special interview segment.