February 19, 2015
Posted By : Barrett-Jackson



February 19, 2015
Posted by Barrett-Jackson


Whether on live TV or in person, you’ve witnessed the incredible variety of vehicles crossing the block at Barrett-Jackson, and now you’re thinking about consigning your own vehicle. We wish to welcome you to Barrett-Jackson, the World’s Greatest Collector Car Auctions™. Barrett-Jackson events represent the purest marketplace in the collector car universe, where thousands of pre-qualified potential buyers have direct access to your collectible car. Imagine 1,000 or more potential buyers lining up at the curb in front of your driveway to look at your car. Every potential bidder has passed a stringent qualification process to ensure buyers can back up their bid. To put that in perspective, more than 4,500 pre-qualified bidders were on hand at the 2015 Barrett-Jackson Scottsdale Auction.

To gain access to Barrett-Jackson buyers, your car must first be accepted for consignment at one of our four premiere events. The first step in the process is to submit a consignment application, known as a Preliminary Consignment Form. The application helps us evaluate your car. There are several ways you can get a consignment application form.

Apply online By far the easiest method of consigning is here on our website. Just click on “Consign” at the very top of the page, or simply click HERE. You’ll be taken to a page where you can owner and vehicle information or explore additional options.

  • Start by inputting your contact information and vehicle details into the online form. Before consigning online, it’s important to gather all vehicle images and documentation in digital form (for tips on how to take optimal photos of your car, click HERE). Scan both sides of your title. Know where the images and scans are located on your computer.
  • If you have multiple vehicles to consign, we suggest that you register as a member on the website (top right of the page) and then log in. As a registered member, your contact information is automatically applied to each vehicle application, avoiding repetitive steps. When you click on “Consign” after logging in, you’ll be taken directly to the online consignment process.

Download and print the form

If you’re not computer-savvy, there is also an option from the “Consign” page to download a printable consignment form, which you can fill out by hand and mail with photos and all relevant information.

Speak to a specialist If you have questions prior to consignment, please call 480-421-6694 and speak to a consignment specialist, who will also be happy to explain the consignment process. You can also email the consignment department by clicking HERE.


The single most important rule of the process is to gather relevant documents and photos before you begin the consignment process — especially online. Complete applications are more likely to move through the process smoothly. Cars cannot be accepted for consignment unless applications are complete with photos, title scans and descriptions. Timing is also important. As we almost always have more applications than available slots, it’s important to submit your application as early as possible.

Here is a checklist of what you should have before starting the application process:

⎕ Photos

⎕ Short and Long Descriptions

⎕ Title Scans (front and rear)

⎕ Supporting Documentation



You will need five good photos of your vehicle. The images are important, as they show all sides of your vehicle to potential buyers. Furthermore, the images are utilized on the Barrett-Jackson website, in the event catalog and possibly in other marketing avenues, such as eBlasts or print advertisements. Because they are a key factor in marketing your car to the masses, they need to be the best possible photos you can obtain.

  • The photos must be in focus.
  • With the exception of interior and engine shots, the entire vehicle must appear in the photo; it cannot be cut off.
  • As the photos represent an asset, there can be no other vehicles in the photos; only the vehicle on the application can be present.
  • The background should be clear and free of clutter and trees.
  • It’s best to drive the car to a large, clear area, such as the back of a supermarket or industrial warehouse.
  • The car should be photographed on level pavement. Grass or snow are not recommended.

Before snapping photos, look in the viewfinder and study the frame. Are reflections washing out the image? Are trees, people or other cars reflected in your shiny paint? Look through our archives for great photos to inspire you. Photos should be at least 3 megabytes (3MB) in size at a minimum.

The photos that we need with your application are:

  • 3/4 front view (not three-quarters of the car; this refers to the angle showing the front and side of the vehicle at the same time)
  • 3/4 rear view (from the other side)
  • Side view
  • Interior
  • Engine

Click HERE for a detailed article on how to photograph your car.

PHOTO TIP: Know the location of photos on your computer so you can easily navigate the upload process.

Short and Long Descriptions

Informative, well-structured descriptions are the single most overlooked aspect of the application process, and can have a positive impact on the sale price of your vehicle. We require that you submit two descriptions with your application, each serving a distinct purpose:

  • Short Description: Appears in the docket list on our website as well as in our printed event catalog. Containing only about 25 to 30 words, this short description should focus on features and information that cannot be seen “from the curb.” This is not the place to list color or wheel selection, as viewers can see these details in photos and on the auction block. Instead, you should list selling points that may not be immediately evident, such as “ground up restoration,” “fresh engine rebuild,” or “twin-turbo.” Here’s an example of a good short description: Nut and bolt restoration of a fully-documented, matching numbers car with only 3,000 miles since new. Listed in the Shelby Registry.
  • Long Description: This is where you can get into the details of your vehicle, as well as its provenance, if known. People love to read the back stories of cars. This description can be up to 300 words, and can include restoration information, expenditures, major facets, modifications, history, awards and anything else you feel will add to the selling power of your vehicle. Mention any documentation you have to back up any claims, particularly with regards to custom vehicles. This is extremely useful in instilling confidence in prospective buyers. Also make sure to include basic information, like transmission type, engine size, etc. The long description will appear on the website docket listing and the “car card” that is on the windshield of the vehicle while it is displayed at auction. This description may also be used in marketing materials, and portions may be read by the auctioneers on the block, so it is crucial to mention the most important or impressive things first. Make sure to talk about your specific vehicle, not the marque in general. You want people to understand your car.

DESCRIPTIONS TIP: Stick to the facts and avoid subjective terms and wild superlatives in your descriptions, such as “world’s greatest car.”


To effectively process your application, we need a copy of both sides of your title. Your title must be clear. We do not auction cars with liens. Of course, the vehicle title and VIN must match. Unless you are a car dealer, the name and address on the title must match the name and address on the Preliminary Consignment Form. If you have any questions relating to titles, please feel free to call a consignment specialist at 480-421-6694.

Also, Canadian vehicles must be titled in the U.S. in order to be eligible for Barrett-Jackson auctions.

TITLE TIP: Don’t take photos of your title. Scan both sides. The scans must be flat and clear.


Supporting documentation (including factory documents) is not only useful for boosting bidder confidence, it’s also helpful to support any claims made in your vehicle descriptions. For example, if you claim that your car’s custom-built engine produces 900hp, provide a dyno sheet in support of that claim. (Of course, verifiable factory engine output ratings do not need dyno sheets.) Another example: If your Mustang has a Marti Report, submit a copy of that document along with your application.

DOCUMENTATION TIP: If your car is accepted for auction, make a large board with a collage of supporting documentation to display with the vehicle.


Things To Remember

  • If you don’t have a scanner at home, use the services of your local office and print centers (FedEx Kinkos, etc.). They can scan documentation or existing photos of your vehicle to obtain digital images.
  • Provide copies/scans of a clear title in your name, with no liens.
  • Exercise care and salesmanship when crafting your vehicle’s short and long descriptions. As with good photos, good descriptions are important.
  • Ensure the descriptions are written in your own words; don’t plagiarize.
  • Make the extra effort to take good photos of your vehicle. For detailed tips on how to do this, click HERE.
  • Get your application in early. While an early application doesn’t guarantee placement, it can certainly help.

Things To Avoid

  • Try not to submit incomplete applications. Wait until you have descriptions, images and supporting documentation, if applicable. If you just want to speak with someone, click HERE for the “Speak to a Consignment Specialist” page.
  • Ensure other cars, people or objects are not in your photos.
  • Taking a photo of a photo is not a good idea, especially if it is in a frame; scan the image instead.
  • Avoid photographing your car in your driveway, or on grass or snow.
  • It is not advisable to speak in superlatives when writing your descriptions (for example, “world’s best car”).
  • If your car was built by a top-name restorer or customizer, please feel free to list the name in your description. However, please refrain from promoting your car dealership or other business.

Ready to consign? Click HERE.

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